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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Tip for Today

The Tip for Today is:

Don't lack detail but don't put too much detail.

What I mean by this is that you shouldn't really lack detail on things. Ex. The girl sitting beside me was lanky with blue eyes. Not enough detail. We can't really visualize how this girl looks like. Ex 2. The girl sitting beside me was lanky with pale blue eyes, and dark blonde hair. Her hair was in a braid made up of two braids put together. She was also wearing a pink dresses with daises all around it and a sash that hugs her waist. (yawn) BORING! This would bore the reader. I'm pretty sure the reader doesn't care how her dress looks like! This description could put someone to sleep. Seriously, we don't care! You could keep the "lanky" and the "pale blue" and the "dark blonde" part. That part really matters. The girl sitting beside me had curly dark blonde hair, with sparkling pale blue eyes, and was lanky. She definitely caught my eye. This new girl was actually one of the most prettiest girls in my life...

Sorry I wanted to add that part but this is pretty good (not). Well this is a guy seeing the new girl and seeing how beautiful she is and obviously he is going to attempt to ask her out.  Hope you understand what I mean!

If you don understand something or you liked this post feel free to comment. Thank you. <3 ;-)

Well that's it for today! See you next time!

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