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Thursday, October 16, 2014

How to Describe Eyes (In most cases, In a story)

Hey guys. Today's post will be about describing eyes! Below are a list of celebrities and their eye colors.

How you can describe eyes: brown, green, blue, gray, hazel, amber, red (this very rare but people with pigment problems have this. For example if blood leaks into the iris.), violet (this rare too!), shades of green, shades of blue; big, round, squinty, almond-shaped, glassy,  dull, cold, icy, hard, gentle, watery, blind, yellowed, tired, lazy, dead, sharp, narrowed, heavy

What eyes can do (synonyms too!): 
  • Look, glance, scan, peek, glimpse, stare, view, peer, study, inspect, spot, gawk, glare, gape, observe
  • Cry, sob, tear up, weep, water, overflow, bawl, snivel, wail, shed tears, burst into tears, dissolve tears, blubber
  •  Blink, Move, narrow, wink, bat, widen, flutter, squint, flicker, roll, close, open, dilate, cock your eye, look crossed-eye, dart, follow
  • When hiding feelings your eyes "shutter"
What can your eyes do when you are feeling a certain emotion?
1.    When you are angry… narrow eyes, glare, grow cold, harden, stare, intensity in eyes, glower, scowl, eye shrug
2.    When you’re sad… cry, shed tears, lose focus, close, blinking infrequently, rubbing your eyes
3.    When you are happy… sparkle, glimmer, twinkle, brighten, tear up, blinking frequently, rubbing your eyes, wink
4.    When you are scared… blinking infrequently, eye are widen, dilate, stop blinking, stare, squeeze shut.

Examples of describing eyes:
  •  "You're a liar!" I blurted, blinking back my tears.

"Angie please believe me!" Mike pleaded. He pause, his gaze unfocused. 
"Alex would never do that!"
"Well I guess... you don't know him that well..." He looked down and shoved his hands in his pockets.
I studied him, searching to see if he was lying. His expression was blank, but his eyes was intense. What was really going on...?

"Are you okay?" Sarah asked.
"Yeah...why did you ask?" Sam replied. His eyes shuttered. 

I felt my eyes overflowing with tears.

When Raychal won the contest her eyes glimmered.

Metaphors and Similes:

  • “Oh, and we’ll deal with sister later.” Alexandra cackled.
      Taylor’s eyes were on fire. “There is no way you are going to touch my sister!”
  • Justin’s eyes twinkled like a star in the night sky.
  • Her glare was a cold as ice.
  • There green eyes are gentle flowers.

Clichés you might want to avoid…
Eyes that pierce through you, blind as a bat, dancing eyes, flashing eyes, sparkling eyes, twinkling eyes, stony eyes
TIP: Use Clichés with caution!

Advice for eyes:
When describing eyes don’t use boring words like blue eyes, or green eyes or brown eyes.
1.  Blue eyes: Sapphire, ocean, baby-blue, sky-blue, china-blue, cornflower blue, ice blue, steel-blue, *turquoise, indigo, cobalt, royal blue, navy blue, teal
2.  Green eyes: Emerald green, forest green, lime green, grass-green, jade, sea green, *Turquoise, olive, pine, sage, spinach green, *Hazel
3.  Brown eyes: Amber, Chestnut, walnut, bronze, chocolate, cinnamon, *Hazel, copper
4.  Gray eyes: Dusty, silvery, cloud gray, smoke, steel, 

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